Google Scholar has identified 7.462 citations for publications as of April 5, 2022.
Cluster Ensemble work clearly being the most popular. To read the work, please find it for download in the publications section.
Citations Top 10 April 5, 2022

The count was 2.071 citations for publications as of December 31, 2011.
Citations Top 10 December 31, 2011

Citations Timeline December 31, 2011

Each following line contains the PhD advisor. Lines are indented only if more
than one advisor exists. May appear impressive, but the mathematical circles were much smaller and closely knit in the mid-1800s and earlier.
Alexander Strehl,
University of Texas at Austin, 2002
University of Southern California, 1988
Kai Hwang
, University of California, Berkeley, 1972
Arthur Gill
, University of California,
Berkeley, 1959
Aram John
Thomasian, University of
California, Berkeley, 1956
David Harold Blackwell, University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1941
Joseph Leo
Harvard University, 1932
Joseph Leonard Walsh, Harvard
University, 1920
Advisor 1:
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, 1891
Advisor 2:
George David
The University of Chicago, 1907
The Erdős number describes the "collaborative distance" between a person and mathematician Paul Erdős, as measured by authorship of mathematical papers. It was surprising to find a path to Erdős. However, 4 is only slightly below median amongst those who have finite Erdős numbers.
Paul Erdős
- Frank Harary (with Erdős in 1980 - Residually-complete graphs)
- Miroslaw Malek (with Harary in 1990 - Quantifying fault recovery in multiprocessor systems)
- J. K. Aggarwal (with Malek in 1984 - Workstations in a Local Area Network Environment)
- Alexander Strehl (with Aggarwal in 2000 - MODEEP: a motion-based object detection and pose estimation method for airborne FLIR sequences)