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Knowledge discovery in databases often requires clustering the data into a number of distinct segments or groups in an effective and efficient manner. Good clusters show high similarity within a group and low similarity between any two different groups. Besides producing good clusters, certain clustering methods provide additional useful benefits. For example, Kohonen's Self-Organizing feature Map (SOM) [Koh90] imposes a logical, `topographic' ordering on the cluster centers such that centers that are nearby in the logical ordering represent nearby clusters in the feature space. A popular choice for the logical ordering is a two-dimensional lattice which allows all the data points to be projected onto a two-dimensional plane for convenient visualization [Hay99]. While clustering is a classical and well studied area, it turns out that several data mining applications pose some unique challenges that severely test traditional techniques for clustering and cluster visualization. For example, consider the following two applications: The challenges in both of these applications mainly arise from two aspects:
  1. large numbers of data samples, $ n$, and
  2. each sample having a large number of attributes or features (dimensions, $ d$).
Certain data mining applications have the additional challenge of how to deal with seasonality and other temporal variations in the data. This aspect is not within the scope of this dissertation, but see [GG01]. The first aspect is typically dealt with by subsampling the data, exploiting summary statistics, aggregating or `rolling up' to consider data at a coarser resolution, or by using approximating heuristics that reduce computation time at the cost of some loss in quality. See [HKT01], chapter 8 for several examples of such approaches. The second aspect is typically addressed by reducing the number of features, by either selection of a subset based on a suitable criteria, or by transforming the original set of attributes into a smaller one using linear projections (e.g., Principal Component Analysis (PCA)) or through non-linear [CG01] means. Extensive approaches for feature selection or extraction have been long studied, particularly in the pattern recognition community [YC74,MJ95,DHS01]. If these techniques succeed in reducing the number of (derived) features to $ O(10)$ or less without much loss of information, then a variety of clustering and visualization methods can be applied to this reduced dimensionality feature space. Otherwise, the problem may still be tractable if the data is faithful to certain simplifying assumptions, most notably, that either (i) the features are class- or cluster-conditionally independent, or that (ii) most of the data can be accounted for by a 2- or 3-dimensional manifold within the high-dimensional embedding space. The simplest example of case (i) is where the data is well characterized by the superposition of a small number of Gaussian components with identical and isotropic covariances, in which case $ k$-means can be directly applied to a high-dimensional feature space with good results. If the components have different covariance matrices that are still diagonal (or else the number of parameters will grow quadratically), unsupervised Bayes or mixture-density modeling with EM, can be fruitfully applied. For situation (ii), nonlinear PCA, Self-Organizing Map (SOM), Multi-Dimensional Scaling (MDS) or more efficient custom formulations such as FASTMAP [FL95], can be effectively applied. This chapter primarily addresses the second aspect by describing an alternate way of clustering and visualization when, even after feature reduction, one is left with hundreds of dimensions per object (and further reduction will significantly degrade the results), and moreover, simplifying data modeling assumptions are also not valid. In such situations, one is truly faced with the `curse of dimensionality' issue [Fri94]. We have repeatedly encountered such situations when examining retail industry market-basket data for behavioral customer clustering, and also certain web-based data collections. Since clustering basically involves grouping objects based on their inter-relationships or similarities, one can alternatively work in similarity space instead of the original feature space. The key insight in this work is that if one can find a similarity measure (derived from the object features) that is appropriate for the problem domain, then a single number can capture the essential `closeness' of a given pair of objects, and any further analysis can be based only on these numbers. The similarity space also lends itself to a simple technique to visualize the clustering results. A major contribution of this chapter is to demonstrate that this technique has increased power when the clustering method used contains ordering information (e.g., top-down). Popular clustering methods in feature space are either non-hierarchical (as in $ k$-means), or bottom-up (agglomerative clustering). However, if one transforms the clustering problem into a related problem of partitioning a similarity graph, several powerful partitioning methods with ordering properties (as described in the introductory paragraph) can be applied. Moreover, the overall framework is quite generally applicable if one can determine the appropriate similarity measure for a given situation. This chapter applies it to three different domains (i) clustering market-baskets (ii) web-documents and (iii) web-logs. In each situation, a suitable similarity measure emerges from the domain's specific needs. The overall technique for clustering and visualization is linear in the number of dimensions, but with respect to the number of data points, $ n$, it is quadratic in computational and storage complexity. This can become problematic for very large databases. Several methods for reducing this complexity are outlined in section 3.6, but not elaborated upon much as that is not the primary focus of this present work. To make concrete some of the remarks above and motivate the rest of the chapter, let us take a closer look at transactional data. A large market-basket database may involve thousands of customers and product-lines. Each record corresponds to a store visit by a customer, so that customer could have multiple entries over time. The transactional database can be conceptually viewed as a sparse representation of a product (feature) by customer (object) matrix. The $ (i,j)$-th entry is non-zero only if customer $ j$ bought product $ i$ in that transaction. In that case, the entry represents pertinent information such as quantity bought or extended price (quantity $ \times$ price) paid. Since most customers only buy a small subset of these products during any given visit, the corresponding feature vector (column) describing such a transaction is (i) High-dimensional (large number of products), but (ii) Sparse (most features are zero). (iii) Also, transactional data typically has significant outliers, such as a few, big corporate customers that appear in an otherwise small retail customer data. Filtering these outliers may not be easy, nor desirable since they could be very important (e.g., major revenue contributors). (iv) In addition, features are often neither nominal nor continuous, but have discrete positive ordinal attribute values, with a strongly non-Gaussian distribution. One way to reduce the feature space is to consider only the most dominant products (attribute selection), but in practice this may still leave hundreds of products to be considered. And since product popularity tends to follow a Zipf distribution [Zip29], the tail is `heavy', meaning that revenue contribution from the less popular products is significant for certain customers. Moreover, in retail the higher profit margins are often associated with less popular products. One can do a `roll-up' to reduce number of products, but with a corresponding loss in resolution or granularity. Feature extraction or transformation is typically not carried out as derived features lose the semantics of the original ones as well as the sparsity property. The alternative to attribute reduction is to try `simplification via modeling'. One approach would be to only consider binary features (bought or not). This reduces each transaction to an unordered set of the purchased products. Thus one can use techniques such as the a-priori algorithm to determine associations or rules. In fact, this is currently the most popular approach to market-basket analysis (see [BL97], chapter 8). Unfortunately, this results in loss of vital information: one cannot differentiate between buying 1 gallon of milk and 100 gallons of milk, or one cannot weight importance between buying an apple vs. buying a car, although clearly these are very different situations from a business perspective. In general, association-based rules derived from such sets will be inferior when revenue or profits are the primary performance indicators, since the simplified data representation loses information about quantity, price or margins. The other broad class of modeling simplifications for market-basket analysis is based on taking a macro-level view of the data having characteristics capturable in a small number of parameters. In retail, a 5-dimensional model for customers composed from indicators for Recency, Frequency, Monetary value, Variety, and Tenure (RFMVT) is popular. However, this useful model is at a much lower resolution that looking at individual products and fails to capture actual purchasing behavior in more complex ways such as taste / brand preferences, or price sensitivity, Due to all the above issues, traditional vector-space-based clustering techniques work poorly on real-life market-basket data. For example, a typical result of hierarchical agglomerative clustering (both single-link and complete link approaches) on market-basket data is to obtain one huge cluster near the origin, since most customers buy very few items3.2, and a few scattered clusters otherwise. Applying $ k$-means could forcibly split this huge cluster into segments depending on the initialization, but not in a meaningful manner. In contrast, the similarity-based methods for both clustering and visualization proposed in this chapter yield far better results for such transactional data. While the methods have certain properties tailored to such data-sets, they can also be applied to other higher dimensional data-sets with similar characteristics. This is illustrated by results on clustering text documents, each characterized by a bag-of-words and represented by a vector of (suitably normalized) term occurrences, often 1000 or more in length. Our detailed comparative study in chapter 4 will show that in this domain traditional clustering techniques also have some difficulties, though not as much as for market-basket data since simplifying assumptions regarding class or cluster conditional independence of features are not violated as much, and consequently both Naive Bayes [MN98] and a normalized version of $ k$-means [DM01] also show decent results. We also apply the technique to clustering visitors to a website based on their footprints, where, once a domain specific suitable similarity metric is determined, the general technique again provides nice results. We begin by considering domain-specific transformations into similarity space in section 3.2. Section 3.3 describes a specific clustering technique (OPOSSUM), based on a multi-level graph partitioning algorithm [KK98a]. In section 3.4, we describe a simple but effective visualization technique that is applicable to similarity spaces (CLUSION). Clustering and visualization results are presented in section 3.5. In section 3.6, we consider system issues and briefly discuss several strategies to scale OPOSSUM for large data-sets.
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Alexander Strehl 2002-05-03