This section gives a brief overview over previous work in general
purpose clustering algorithms. The most popular and the best
understood clustering algorithm is -means. A robust version of
-means that uses the medoid instead of the mean to assure that a
cluster's representative is an actually observed sample is
In agglomerative nearest-neighbor clustering, the singleton cluster
samples are successively merged into a tree structure in
steps. In each step the closest pair, the nearest-neighbors, are
joined. All three algorithms generally are intended for use with
metric distances. However, especially for our high-dimensional
applications it may be useful to replace the metric distances by a
more general similarity measure. Also, artificial neural systems and
dimensionality reducing techniques have been successfully applied to
clustering. In statistical pattern recognition, the data is modeled
as a mixture of parametric density functions, which yields a
theoretically optimal treatment of the problem. However, the
appropriate parametric families are often not known in advance and the
growth of the number of parameters raises estimation error (variance)
issues. Recently, the database community proposed a variety of highly
scalable approaches for large data-sets. However, the models are very
simple (usually Euclidean/Gaussian) and may not fit the properties of
high-dimensional data. The graph metaphor provides a well-known
framework to pose the clustering problem. Efficient partitioning
algorithms exist, but theoretical properties for clustering and
experimental evaluations still need to be explored.