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List of Figures

  1. All possible clusterings of up to $ n=6$ objects into up to $ k=6$ groups.
  2. Object-centered versus relationship-based clustering.
  3. Abstract overview of the general relationship-based, single-layer, single-learner, batch clustering process.
  4. Example for the problem of scale.
  5. Illustration of the curse of dimensionality.
  6. The relationship-based clustering framework.
  7. Illustrative CLUSION patterns.
  8. Comparison of cluster visualization techniques.
  9. Visualizing partitioning drugstore customers from RETAIL data-set 1/2.
  10. Visualizing partitioning drugstore customers from RETAIL data-set 2/2.
  11. Comparison of various number of clusters $ k$ for YAHOO news data:.
  12. Web-log session clustering using a vector space model and cosine similarity versus using weighted longest common sub-sequence similarity.
  13. Effect of sub-sampling on OPOSSUM.
  14. Properties of Euclidean-based, cosine, and extended Jaccard similarity measures illustrated in 2 dimensions 1/2.
  15. Properties of Euclidean-based, cosine, and extended Jaccard similarity measures illustrated in 2 dimensions 2/2.
  16. Confusion matrices illustrating quality differences of RND, KM E, KM C, and GP C approaches on a sample of 800 documents from N20.
  17. Mutual information performance curves comparing 10 algorithms on 4 data-sets.
  18. Amount of balancing achieved for 4 data-sets in combination with 10 algorithms.
  19. Comparison of cluster quality in terms of mutual information and balance on average over 4 data-sets with 10 trials each at 800 samples.
  20. The cluster ensemble.
  21. Illustration of multiple views generating different clusterings.
  22. Illustration of Cluster-based Similarity Partitioning Algorithm (CSPA).
  23. Illustration of HyperGraph Partitioning Algorithm (HGPA).
  24. Illustration of Meta-CLustering Algorithm (MCLA).
  25. Comparison of consensus functions in a controlled noise experiment.
  26. Detailed Robust Consensus Clustering (RCC) results.
  27. Summary of RCC results.
  28. Illustration of Feature-Distributed Clustering (FDC) on 8D5K data 1/2.
  29. Illustration of Feature-Distributed Clustering (FDC) on 8D5K data 2/2.
  30. Object-Distributed Clustering (ODC) results.
  31. Summary of contributions in this dissertation.
  32. 2D2K data-set.
  33. 8D5K data-set.
  34. IRIS data-set.
  35. Pen digits data-set PENDIG.
  36. PENDIG clusters.
  37. Drugstore data before preprocessing.
  38. Drugstore data sample RETAIL.
  39. Exemplary news web-page from YAHOO data-set.
  40. Exemplary newsgroup posting from N20 data-set.

Alexander Strehl 2002-05-03